
From frequent urination to malignancy is only one step!

How to detect the threat in time?


Ana Ortiz

specialist in the reproductive system and expert in the treatment of urological pathologies,
answers your questions.

15 years


The early stages of the inflammatory process may not be noticeable, the first signs are problems with erection and urination. The most important thing is not to postpone! Erectile dysfunction is not the most terrible consequence of this disease. The most dangerous is the appearance of neoplasms in the prostate, which in many cases can be malignant. Inflammation of the prostate gland has dangerous consequences for men, among which the main ones are: sexual impotence, benign and malignant tumors.

A malignant neoplasm appears in the late stages of the inflammatory process and is a fairly common consequence. Men who don't address the inflammation in time and choose to live with it take too much risk. Instead, those who want a long and successful sex life should try to remove the inflammation as soon as possible.


Healthy prostate (left) - Prostate affected by tumor (right)

The problem is that most men with this problem do not go to specialists for help. Some people don't think it's dangerous, and some people are just embarrassed by the problem itself. As a result, patients simply ignore the signs of the disorder, and even when they decide to see a specialist, in most cases it is too late because the deleterious effects have already begun to develop.

You should understand that inflammation of the prostate gland can carry a risk to life. One of the most significant risks is the appearance of a malignant tumor, which can be fatal. If the problem is not attempted to be corrected, it can develop quickly and in about 1-2 years can lead to a tumor. But now men have a unique opportunity - the chance to get rid of inflammation without repeated visits to the experts.

This is possible thanks to the invention of modern specialists, which can regulate the functions of the prostate gland, to help eliminate inflammation, which runs in an acute or chronic form. It can also improve sexual potency and increase the duration of sexual intercourse.


A malignant neoplasm that affects the prostate

The World Association of Experts in Urological Pathology and Therapy has developed the Eronex complex. It was created to fight inflammation of the prostate gland. The Office of Public Affairs published the following conclusions:

1. The effectiveness of Eronex was tested by the standard method (number of people who were able to eliminate the inflammatory process, from 100 men who used the product), the result was 98%.

2. No inflammation was found after stopping the use of the product (based on observations over six months) in 99% of men.

3. Already from the first weeks of the course 98% of men noticed a significant increase in libido and erections.

4. The product also had an effect on increasing sexual activity 95% of the cases.

5. 99% of the men who took Eronex had no complaints of side effects.

6. Eronex a product with herbal extracts in its composition, which helps to eliminate inflammation of the prostate gland and can restore prostate function.

Expert Commentary: Juan Ramon Lizcano


A specialist in urology and head of the Human Reproduction Research Organization. More than 45 years of experience.

It used to be quite difficult to get rid of prostate inflammation, a disorder that can have dire consequences. About 45% of the adult population suffers from this problem, and more than 30% of them are young people. Eronex is a new development in this field, a product that helps to eliminate inflammation, it is actively used in the United States and now in countries in Europe and Asia. Its unique composition, as well as the discoveries made by scientists about living cells, make Eronex a good helper in eliminating prostate problems.

The main components of the composition and their action:

This product has passed all stages of testing. About 98% of the men were able to recover and had no relapses: in many, the symptoms disappeared and the inflammation gradually went away. The remaining 2% had relapses, which were overcome by continuing to use Eronex.

It has been observed that, thanks to the combination of unique ingredients, Eronex can provide long-term potency and increase the duration of sexual intercourse.

Eronex helps you to regain and return to an active sex life. It has a restorative effect on the entire male genitourinary system. So, after using this product, the men's body can be functioning like a 25-year-old man, so I recommend it to all men. Even those who do not suffer from inflammatory processes. This product can have an excellent preventive effect and significantly increase sexual potency.

The product is actively used in Europe. The Association of Experts in Urology in Paris conducted surveys among people who had used the remedies. According to interviews, they reported a high success rate when using Eronex for potency and genitourinary problems.

For now, Eronex can only be ordered online. We have repeatedly tried to introduce it into the pharmacy chain, but they want to sell it at a very high price, much more expensive than we would like. Our organization is not a commercial structure. Our goal is not to make money. We just want to offer this product to everyone.

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Reviews: 4
Roberto Segura
I ordered it a month ago, a few days after starting the course I began to feel the effects. I thought about surgery, but canceled it. I'm 54 years old, but I feel as if I'm 34, I didn't expect such a result.
Miguel Castro
I absolutely agree! This product is amazing! I bought it last month and haven't felt any symptoms since. The inflammation went away, although I struggled with it for a long time. In addition, my erection improves and my desire for sex returns! I recommend it to everyone, especially to men over 40! photo
Eduardo Bernal
For the past year and a half, I've had prostate pain, had massages, taken supplements, but all to no avail. Eronex helped me with all my problems in just one course! I had completely forgotten about the pain and inflammation, even though the experts said I had a chronic form and it would last forever.
Iñaki Garcia
I never thought the day would come when I would face this terrible problem. For a young man like me, it means the end of self-confidence and of the whole sex life. But I didn't give up and for quite a long time I looked for a way to recover, tried many remedies, despite the high cost. It was a long process, but in the end Eronex helped me. I didn't even expect this, but it was able to relieve the pain quickly and helped me with this problem!

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